My friend Val is going to take my photograph for her current series, and I am really excited! Since I actually do not have a digital camera, or one of those fancy laptops that have cameras in them, photographs of myself are somewhat rare. So I am thankful for the entire situation. Tomorrow I am TAing a colour printing class (an event that happens every Wednesday) at SVA and afterwards I am going to attend one of those advance screenings of
the duchess. Friday night my dearest friend Illi wants me to go to some openings, and my boyfriend and I have declared it date night. I am also planning to scan and send photographs to Lars, and will hopefully be meeting up with a friend from high school sometime this week. And to top it off, my friend jacob is throwing a party with a title!
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain! Truthfully though, it has nothing to do with
my fair lady but more to do with tapas and Spanish wine. And then Sunday it is back to manual labor, but even that I enjoy. I am thankful that life is good!
Still can not wait to see some images from the summer! But all in good time.
Sorry if my posts make me seem some what deranged, I write them in my free time: when I am normally sleep deprived. aaaand another photograph, just because:

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